president n. 1.总统。 2.总裁;长官;主席;议长;【法律】院长;庭长。 3.会长;校长;〔英国〕大学院长;〔美国〕大学校长。 4.〔美国〕(银行等的)行长;董事长;总经理,社长。 5.【历史】州长,知事;(殖民地)总督。 the Lord P- of the Board of Trade 〔英国〕商务大臣。 the Lord P- of the Council 〔英国〕枢密大臣。 the P- of the U. N. General Assembly 联合国大会主席。
Office of the special advisor to the president on drugs financial crimes 总统特别顾问办公室(毒品及金融罪行)
From april 2005 i have been contracted by the foreign and commonwealth office as an advisor to the president of romania , traian basescu 直至2005年4月,本人获外交及联邦事务部以合约形式,聘用为罗马尼亚总统特莱扬伯塞斯库的顾问。
Previously , he was special advisor to the president , developing adb ' s role in the areas of knowledge management , policy , and strategy 在担任现职之前,他曾经担任总裁特别顾问,负责规划亚洲开发银行在知识管理、政策和战略领域中的职能。
This column by condoleezza rice , who is national security advisor to the president , was published in the wall street journal october 24 and is in the public domain 于10月24日在《华尔街日报》以《我国的亚洲战略》为题发表署名文章。以下是这篇文章的译文,由
As a foreign affairs advisor to the president , the first thing to do in his new job was to draft a white paper explaining the government ' s position concerning the crisis in beirut (担任总统外交事务顾问,他上任第一件事是起草一份白皮书表明有关贝鲁特危机的政府立场。 )